Meteogram - up to 3 days
The products are regularly updated four times per day (03:45 UTC - run from 00:00 UTC, 10:45 UTC - run from 06:00 UTC, 15:45 UTC - run from 12:00 UTC and 22:45 UTC - run from z 18:00 UTC).
Epsgram na 3 dni (model A-LAEF)
Meteogram na 3 dni (model ALADIN)
Meteogram na 10 dní (model ECMWF)
Epsgram na 8 dní (model ECMWF)

Meteogram shows detail forecast for temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, pressure, speed wind and direction wind for selected geographical point. The horizontal axis shows time (day and hour in UTC) and the vertical axis shows value of selected parameter. Meteogram is available for selected geographical point in Slovak region with time step 1 hour up to 72 hours.Numerical model ALADIN is the main base for short range weather prediction at SHMI. There is highly recommended to contact meteorologists in case of serious event related with weather development.
Legend: Teplota(cierna), MIN(modra) a MAX(cervena) v 2 metroch nad povrchom [st.C] Temperature(black), MIN(blue) and MAX(red) at 2 meters above ground [deg.C] Celkova(zlta), nizka(cervena), stredna(zelena) a vysoka(modra) oblacnost [%] Total(yellow), low(red), middle(green) and high(blue) cloudiness [%] Uhrn zrazok: dazd(modra) a sneh(seda) [mm] Precipitation rate: rain(blue) and snow(grey) [mm] Tlak(modra) redukovany na hladinu mora [hPa] Mean sea level pressure(blue) [hPa] Rychlost(modra) a narazy(zelena) vetra v 10 metroch nad povrchom [m/s] Wind speed(blue) and wind gusts(green) at 10 meters above ground [m/s] Smer vetra(cervena) v 10 metroch nad povrchom [svetove strany] Wind direction(red) at 10 meters above ground [cardinal points]
Legend of warnings:
level 1
level 2
level 3